Monday, July 16, 2012

Of superflous sweetness..

This was written in 6 May 2005...He was away for National Service for 2 years..

The day came and went. when anticipation and desire overpowers
logic, the gut churns and you'll feel nauseated. Yes, it took that
long for him to come home. But one look at this boy, priceless...The
first thing that hits you, is, who is this stranger? And then, like a
rush from some harmful substance, you realize, the familiarities of
how life was before, flashing infront of your eyes. the momentum as
fluid as the LRT, yet soundless and slow as if time stopped. 4 days of
escapism. 4 days of hysterical laughter. 4 days of jolting electrical
shocks. And ultimately, 4 days of euphoria. i should just name this
entry as The Unforgetable 4 Days.

i wrote that last friday.....its suppose to be longer...but the others
were irrelevant....
im not sure if this is fathomable....whether am i able to relay what
im trying to say....but it was really how i felt....the moment before
i got on the train on saturday,until u sent me back to kaed on

I wrote A LOT of crappy, sappy, CORNY stuff regarding our relationship back then....Funnily, i can't even string something close to romantic (in the conventional sense of course; i find YOLO even romantic now) lately. Is it due to contentment? complacency? comfort? the same feeling of familiarity that i mentioned previously? 

5 years later from this sappy thing, and after 7 years in total of corny-ness, we got married, and have been for 2 years..Alhamdulillah....yes..that's THE word that best describes everything..Alhamdulillah


When i was in my UIA, i had a class in islamic faith and civilization..and we had this foreign (pakistani/indian) lecturer...kind as he was, as usual, us students had our annoying antics..for example chit-chatting in class, ogling the bosnian guy, this one particular time, i was caught chatting with my guy-friend kaye...but this lecturer of ours was really kind..he wasn't the one to yell at us or make a all he did was come up to us and made us do an additional assignment. both of us had to write an essay; kaye's was about the relationship between an unmarried man and women whereas i had to write about a muslim women's dress code...coz i was also wearing a top which was slightly see-through....

i was bored tonight so i was going through old emails and i found the essay i had written...and coz i'm lazy to write something new so instead, my short essay below...(mind you this was written on DD's palm device, susah gile kot nk type guna stylus)...

Islamic Dress Code

        Islam is a religion of peace and beauty. It calls for its followers
to perform all the things that are obligatory in order to gain
entrance into Jannah. Among the obligations a muslim must follow is to
be in a proper Islamic dress code. Islamic dress code considers
cleanliness, modesty and comfort, thus promoting the essence of Islam.

        The dress code for women is stricter than men. This is because the
women's awrah is her entire body except her face and hands. The
clothes must not be thight fitting and revealing. The hijjab must
cover the head, ears and neck. After going through the queries on, there were a few that were about the hijjab and the
Islamic dress code. In this modern day, many Muslim women feels that
wearing the hijjab contradicts and constricts their identity. They
feel that by performing other obligatory rituals is enough to be a
good Muslim. This is because if the influence of society, media and
the surrounding environment some Muslimah feels compelled not to don
the hijjab. Some feel that the hair does not have impact on men if
they were to dress modestly. However, how does one know whether a
women's hair does not entice men. In Islam, Allah wants good things
for His servants. The hijjab serves many purposes. It complements a
women's struggle to be religious and makes her faith stronger. Most of
all it promotes and guards her modesty and dignity. If a Muslim women
truly loves Allah, she will obey His rules and seek His pleasure
wholeheartedly. Her identity is not lost rather is further enhanced
and blessed. On the other hand, it is not a condition for the hijjab
to be black but it is best at concealing.

        Among the arising problems facing Muslimah nowadays is the oppression
and difficulties in wearing hijjab especially in western countries.
For instance in France, Muslimah are not allowed to wear the hijjab to
school. In this case where lives becomes unbearable for a Muslimah,
they are allowed to use the best possible alternatives available to
them. However in this situation, a Muslimah must never contemplate on
taking off her hijjab for doing so would be disobeying Allah. There
are a few ways of curbing this problem. Firstly the media is a helpful
tool in keeping the issue alive and informing the public about matters
of major concerns. Secondly, it is best to unify the community on the
beneficial goals and projects relevant to these matters in order to
achieve a common front. Lastly and rather mostly, is to pray and to submit to Allah to
help us remain vigilant and diligent in our strive for truth and
justice to prevail.

        As Muslims we are to strive in order to gain Allah's pleasure.
Conforming to the dress code permitted by Islam is an obligation. It
is our identity and helps us in avoiding sins and other wrongful acts.

Ayat last macam tergantung gitu...hahahahaha....thankfully i passed and got an A for this subject....

on the other hand, i'm still not there yet.....