Sunday, July 13, 2008


last nite i watched the last king of Scotland on was mostly fictional bt it also showed some historical accounts that took place during the authoritative leadership of Idi Amin Dada..what i love abt these movies which were partly historical n partly fictional was mainly because i am one of those people who hv very little knoledge on world history n the political scene 'waima' in their homeland as well as the entire world...what i knw cld only be a mere 5% of what is there to not much of a reader as i am one of those pathetic beings who prefer watching the movie instead of reading it..malas...haha..i hv to say forrest whitaker was excellent as idi is as if watching the man in action himself 30 yrs after his deposition...i am unsure whether the factual parts in the movie were accurate,bt what i cn deduce after watching it is i think i understand why powerful people resort to such violence and brutality as despotic rulers...i think it is because of having a constant fear that with all that great power they possess, many people wld rather see them dead than ruling the country...perhaps in a certain way,these so called autocratic leaders really do want to bring forth a positive change for their country n all countrymen...maybe they really do want to provide a better place for their people to live in...i guess the love they have for their people is what drove them to practice extreme measures in order to get things,well in order of course...communism and all its other forms such as marxism,stalinism, maoism,trotskyism and all the other 'isms u cn find in its fundamental form i believe is to serve what is right n what is fair to all...some sources suggested that idi amin suffered from hypomania, a form of manic depression which is characterised by irrational behaviour and emotional the movie, one can't help bt adore his good nature, dry humour n a love for life n family(a very large one too).bt his personality switches so fast n he becomes this sweaty,scary n pitiless brute ..probably all of the famous autocratic leaders suffer from hypomania...n severe paranoia...amidst their strive for political,social n economical success, their are shadowed by a constant fear n realization that their position as leaders n also as a living person may be short their solution is to eliminate any possible threat n competition...yang tertanya2 adalah,adakah ketakutan mereka utk mati atau pergi dlm paksa kerana mereka takut impian utk membawa kebahagiaan dan kesenangan kpd rakyat akan tergendala,atau kerana their thirts for immortality was unfulfilled..

peliknya di malaysia,rakyat kite bukan la penuntut communism,socialism,capitalism or more of mahathirism,anwarism,nik azizism,najibism,badawiism,ku-Liism dn ramai lagi...we lean towards the person rather than what do we really want for our own this date i try and want to remain apolitical...n i am far from being a political observer...i went to register myself as a voter 2 weeks ago...4 months after the actual general election...what i want is for my country to be a strong nation,economically,socially,politically n technologically (?)...i want my country to remain as colourful n muhibbah n harmonious...i want my country to have rakyats who are happy n gay...who wld embrace eachothers differences and fight together for peace n perhaps for a cleaner country..(oh,one can only hope) some may argue that being apolitical is selfish n u are not contributing as a rakyat...i am a useless rakyat,just sitting on a fence,trying to see the grass on which side is greener...well all i cn see is dat the grass on both sides have weed problems,lalang2 tumbuh dgn tinggi,ade some bald patches and some dry patches...saya suke duduk atas pagar..angin sepoi2 yg mendayu-dayu makes me feel like im floating on bubbles....

man this post is too serious for me...i shld stick to mencerita abt what i ate n the consistency of my daily morning berak episodes n of course syok sendiri pictures of myself..


Blogger Hamdan said...


The way you write things, I presume you are a woman in a hurry. Just like that, literally one minute, everything has been said. Mana tak letih? Sayang, can you slow down a little bit..?hehe

3:55 PM  
Blogger soedaydah said...

i think fast,i talk fast,i eat fast, i drive fast (sometimes)n my motor reflexes are fast when i am tickled which i dnt like...n u hv 'tickled' my 'anger bone'...

11:13 PM  
Blogger Testent said...

come on lah. merely sitting on a fence is not gud enuf. kene ade pndirian.

i dont get it. its normal what. ppl will eventually follow leaders who they respect the most. and for malaysia, we actually need sumone who has dat autocratic attribute.

and do remember. look now at singapore, korea, japan. the countries have now become what they are because of their autocratic leaders...

oops, enuf i guess

4:28 AM  
Blogger soedaydah said...

again i wld like to stress my apolitical sentiments...yes i do think that nations headed by autocratic leaders hv achieved so much as opposed to us...i dnt care whoever is 'up' there..just as long as his or her mind n heart is in the right place,as a rakyat im game...

5:29 AM  

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