i am me
as opposed to a previous post where i vehemently said i wld refrain myself from posting pictures for a while, i am also very fickle...so with regards to the title, i did a picture collage that showcases....well me...n the people that makes it all worth while......sorry if some of the pictures are very small....i jst cdnt care less..or partly becoz i am just clueless.... n sorry if u r not in it....i dont like taking pictures....i only like to be in it...heheh..
the educator,the loser, the engineer
the young n the restless
che'nelle says it best
my little riot
the unconditional
very smart people captured in one photo..2 of which r my fave
when in rome,do as the romans
WRF 1508
full-time posers, part-time students
once a year indulgence
when n where it all began
my american boy
when life was a lot simpler..6 yrs ago
u give me that fresh feeling
winning 2nd
a very windy saturday
a before
an after
2 hotties + 1 fatty= 3 org berpersonaliti tinggi
BFFs sans the b.f (both bitch fit n boyfrends)
i am usually the odd one
the guy in checks...our uhu glu..part time hero as well
we goss,we eat,we whine,we suffer, n we enjoy all that student life has to offer
elated n elevated....interesting professionals we'd make
the flowers just don't do her justice..she even smells nicer..
thank you....
the educator,the loser, the engineer
the young n the restless
che'nelle says it best
my little riot
the unconditional
very smart people captured in one photo..2 of which r my fave
when in rome,do as the romans
WRF 1508
full-time posers, part-time students
once a year indulgence
when n where it all began
my american boy
when life was a lot simpler..6 yrs ago
u give me that fresh feeling
winning 2nd
a very windy saturday
a before
an after
2 hotties + 1 fatty= 3 org berpersonaliti tinggi
BFFs sans the b.f (both bitch fit n boyfrends)
i am usually the odd one
the guy in checks...our uhu glu..part time hero as well
we goss,we eat,we whine,we suffer, n we enjoy all that student life has to offer
elated n elevated....interesting professionals we'd make
the flowers just don't do her justice..she even smells nicer..
thank you....
to soedaydah,
i dont know much abt fashion but seriously, i think u look superb in pink. u agree?
in d 1st pic, instead of calling urself the loser, y not the fun, or the exciting? cos dats the 1st impression i get neway :-)
Su gambr kecik sebab you save the thumbnails kot. you kena bukak dulu gambar tuh baru save. jgn save yg kecik kecik tuh. hahahha. eh muli faceted tuh apa? ko cakap aku talam dua muka eh? nak kene nih!:-(
Your photos reflect the passage of time and the first first first steps taken towards being the future mover and shaker of the world. Where there is a will there is an asset. And you are special and as testent says, he perceives you as fun and exciting. How come you see yourself as a loser? I can feel your joy and it seems everybody wants to share the moment with you. This includes testent who admire your dress in pink.
Judging from my blog writing, you say I am different? Here and there I am the same person in mind and spirit. I am just expressing my inner true feelings. Feelings don't lie..hehe..
kaye,mutlifaceted=byk muke or faces...u r both literally n metaphorically...there are many sides of kaye that i knw...aku tknk tulis byk2..nanti ko bangga kembang idung..
testent,im not so sure abt pink..i dnt have that many pinks i cld wear..i dnt like to resort to wearing only one colour...my frens wld agree to that..on some days i wld be wearing pink,green,orange n blue n purple shoes..i guess as u say, the exciting part of me likes to don splashes of colour...just to be fair..saya x suke buat kaler lain merajuk..
tualang,i believe we r all multi-faceted...harboring our own alter egos..between wat we want to be,what we choose to become,n eventually what we will be in the end..when i was 3 or 4,my ambition was to become a cashier girl...it is a dream i hope i cld fulfill one day..perhaps when i own a restaurant where all d lauks are served in small coloured platters on conveyor belts...
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