Wednesday, February 14, 2007

royal spring

semlm was valentine's day....smue org seronok meraikanyer...prices of roses and dinners at restaurants sky rocketed...its amazing how commercialism can do to such a celebration that doesnt even have a public holiday to its name...anyway,suaidy and i have never celebrated V Day...not that we were anti- V Day neither did we think it was very special up to a point it became a necessity to celebrate...but i'd like to spill wat happened to me yesterday...

lets start with the night before,i was pissed and hurt bout something...of course love and boyfriend related....couldnt do a thing that nite but mope about it..went out with my roomate for maggi soup and more bf bitchfest.....when ur mad all sorts of old rubbish yg buat u bengang escalates...u exaggerate ur feelings and sorts..when u feel all hope was lost,there he goes and gives u a mad suprise...yesterday morning, when i just arrived at work,he called saying he was already at the lobby in my office building...i went down to find him lurking or rather hiding behind the elevator with a HUGE bouquet of yellow lillies!!!! OMG OMG..perasaan seronok tak terhingga,hiba,shy smuer ade..mcm nak meletup muke aku...he sengaja actually made me piss like that the nite before in order for the full effect of this flower thing to happen...yg comel tu dier nak main sorok2 kat tepi lift...sayang ur built is no longer of a 8 yr old boy...tapi cute giler...but all the guys at the office had a negative thing to say...mcm perli besarnye bunga n stuff...n takleh belah nyer ade this guy tegur saying "dah pakai tudung tu n org islam maner boleh sambut valentine" (i wear d tudung at d office) i mean fark u la kan...ur not so holy urself..i mean i know how u stair at us like fine cut australian beef...smokin gin the elevator when it clearly is prohibited...pastu nak ckp mcm tuh....hish...ur just a sad ass fuck who's not getting any coz u cant even do a small sweeet gesture to ur wife....

anyway...that little hiccup does not affect me one still so ecstatically happy....i dont really like i thought..heheeh...but receiving one from someone u love so damn much,mcm tak terkata....yerp they will die soon,but the feeling u had when u got it in d first place plus the situasi plus the hunky boyfren....haih memang cair aku sampai bile2....thank u so very the much sayang....without a doubt you r the bestes n d rockest.....and i love u so much and more...


Blogger n said...

u pun comel lah suraya. hehe.

11:22 PM  

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